Sigma Chi Horizons : The Experience

January 10, 2012

Earlier today I noticed that the official Sigma Chi YouTube account posted a video about Horizons. These are exactly the types of videos that Sigma Chi should be producing on a consistent basis. I’ve embedded the video below as well as some other videos about Horizons that I created myself.

Link to video:

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Below are a few videos I’ve recorded about Horizons. The first video is a compilation of quotes from former Grand Consul, Keith Krach, discussing the Horizons program.

The next two videos are interviews I did with Ryan Wakefield. The discussions focused on Horizons and Ryan’s role as a facilitator at Horizons. The 1st video is our talk focuses on Ryan’s expectations before he went to Horizons and the 2nd video he talks about his expereience.

Upcoming Cornerstone Podcast & Contest

April 7, 2010

I just got off a Skype call with a Cornerstone board member and I’m pretty excited about what they have planned. The first thing we are going to do is record a podcast in the next few weeks to discuss Cornerstone. The best part, the guest for the podcast is current Grand Consul Wayne Tucker. I’m really excited to be recording a podcast with another Grand Consul. (I was lucky enough to record a podcast with former Grand Consul Keith Krach discussing Horizons.)

The other exciting news is Cornerstone will be having a contest that your chapter will definitely want to get involved with. I should be getting some more information next week so be looking for another blog post with all the details.

Here are some links that have more information about Cornerstone:

[update 4.12.2010] Cornerstone has announced its “video contest” & your chapter’s chance to have the International Sweetheart visit for an event of your choosing.

Jacob Cook

Sigma Chi Horizons Quotes From Keith Krach And Others

March 10, 2010

In June of 2009 I was lucky enough to record a Horizons podcast with former Grand Consul Keith Krach. There were two other Sigs who have been to Horizons that participate and gave their thoughts about the experience. I was listening to the podcast and realized there were some really good quotes by all three of em. So I decided to strip out the quotes and put some music to them. Feel free to use this and share with your chapter with this short link:

Keith Krach, Cory Williamson, Martin Erbele
Running Time:  1:34

Show Links

Its easy to stay up to date with the podcast and many ways to subscribe.

Subscribe to the Podcast or use iTunes

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Sigma Chi Horizons Podcast with Keith Krach

June 3, 2009

Sigma Chi podcast by – Sigma Chi Horizons Podcast with Keith Krach

Host: Jacob Cook Running Time: 19:55

Show Links:

Its easy to stay up to date with the podcast and many ways to subscribe.

Subscribe to the Podcast or use iTunes

Here is a short url so you can easily share this post with others:

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Podcast with Co-Founder of

June 3, 2009

We recorded our Horizons podcast with Keith Krach on Monday and have another planned for tomorrow. The podcast with Keith went very well, everyone who participated did a fantastic job and we really hope to have them all back again to discuss Sigma Chi. We did have a bit of technical difficulties with our recording software as it decided to not record the last half of the podcast. We have been in contact with the creators of the software and they have assured us that it was a fluke thing. So hopefully we won’t have any other problems in the future.

So as the title of this post reads, we will be recording another podcast tomorrow night with a Co-Founder of, Erik Jensen.  Erik is a Ball State graduate/initiate and now lives in Chicago, IL. We will discuss why he started OutOfWorkChicago and how it’s beneficial. We will also discuss how Sigma Chi helped Erik starting his business and what suggestions he has for those looking to start a business.

We should have the Horizons podcast up sometime tonight and we’ll try to have tomorrow’s podcast uploaded by the weekend. Remember you can get a list of all our podcasts here

Thanks again to everybody for all their support

Upcoming Sigma Chi Horizons Podcast with Keith Krach

May 10, 2009

update here is the podcast we recorded with Keith Krach

Over the last few months we have been coming up with ideas that we thought would be very useful for Sigs. One idea that I have been very excited about is revamping our podcast series. So far our podcasts have consisted of me talking about 1-2 Sigma Chi subjects per podcast. While I feel like we have put out some valuable material, I’ve just kept thinking that these podcasts should be so much more. Then I started thinking “why not bring on guests to interview or just to have a general Sigma Chi discussion with?”. We could turn it into more of a “round table discussion” and that is exactly what we are going to do.

Around the end of this month or early June we are going to do a podcast and discuss Horizons. We hope that we can give Sigs a little more insight on not only what Horizons is, but also what you do at Horizons and why is it was started. We plan on having 2-3 Sigs who have been to Horizons before, as well as 2-3 Sigs who plan on going to Horizons this summer. Hopefully this will allow us to find out why Horizons is so successful and it will give the Sigs who will attending to ask any questions they have. We also thought it would be beneficial to have somebody who has played a big part in the success of Horizons and we are very excited to announce that past Grand Consul Keith Krach will also be joining us on the podcast. We would like to send a big “thank you” to Keith, because we know how busy he is and also because we know he will bring a lot of good info to the podcast. So remember to be on the look out this month for some new podcasts.


Jacob Cook