October – The month of Sigma Chi

October 15, 2009

This month is definitely the busiest month of the year for me when it comes to Sigma Chi activities. Homecoming, banquets, golf tournaments and football (maybe my favorite reason) keep me busy throughout the month and I love it. It would be nice if other months had this much Sigma Chi stuff going on.

This year October is even more hectic than usual because me and some fellow Sig alumni scheduled a trip to Kansas to visit a fellow Sig alumnus and watch the Cowboys/Chiefs game in Kansas City. We had a great time and it was really nice getting to see a fraternity brother that I hadn’t seen in over a year. Even though all of us hadn’t hung out together in years, it only took a few minutes to feel like we were in college again. We got all the same old questions out of the way like “how are things going? what’s new?” and then we went back to treating each other like we did in college. Now don’t get me wrong, our conversations are a lot different then they were in college. We mostly talked about our wives and work. Only one guy in the group has a kid (with the rest of us soon to follow), so you can imagine the numerous questions we had for him throughout the weekend. But for the most part it felt like we were back in college hanging out and the only thing that had changed were our conversations. It’s situations like these that remind me how close of a friendship we had in the fraternity house and how lucky I was to become a Sigma Chi.

This weekend my chapter at Arkansas State (Theta Chi) is having the Scott Hale Memorial Golf Tournament and Banquet in memory of one of my chapter’s members. I’m signed up for the golf tournament and my wife and I will be attending the banquet Saturday night. There will be a lot of Sigs at these events that I haven’t seen in awhile. There will probably be a lot of the “how are things going? what’s new?” and then everyone will settle down and it will feel like we never graduated. If you’re interested in donating then please check out their website.
[update] 10.22.2009
The Golf Tournament and Banquet was a huge success and surpassed many expectations. It also accomplished it’s goal of endowing it’s scholarship. Great job to everyone who participated.

Next weekend is Homecoming at Arkansas State and of course our chapter will be tailgating before the big game. Like most chapters Homecoming may be the one chance out of the year to see a lot of old fraternity brothers. It’s always nice to hang out and tailgate before the game with guys you haven’t seen in forever. This year’s tailgate will be slightly different than in previous years, because our undergraduates will have their tailgate right next to the alumni. At Arkansas State they divide up the “student tailgates” & “alumni tailgate” by having them on different sides of the stadium. Well this year our undergrads are moving their tailgate right next to the us on the alumni side of the stadium. This should be a nice change since it will allow everyone to hang out together and allow alumni to meet the guys that are running the chapter now. Should be a fun ending to a very eventful October.
[update] 10.26.2009
Our Undergrad/Alumni Tailgate went pretty well. It was definitely a lot nicer and easier for everyone to have our undergrad and alumni tailgates close to one another. I was never a fan of having to walk from side of the stadium to the other, just so I could say hi to everybody. I hope the undergrads enjoyed tailgating with the alumni and maybe we can keep this going from here on out.

October is definitely my busiest “Sigma Chi” month of the year. I know Homecoming plays  a big role, but I’ve always wondered if this is the same for other chapters. What is your busiest “Sigma Chi” month of the year?

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In Hoc,
Jacob Cook

ShareSigmaChi on Twitter

Hard At Work

October 7, 2009

Before I get this post started I want to thank everybody that has sent me their recruitment information and stories. As you have seen I posted a couple of these to the blog for everyone to read. Those “guest” posts did a great job of letting everyone know what recruitment week was like for them. Also they gave everyone a different look at what they could do during their own rush week. What I really enjoyed was seeing in the comments and on Twitter was that Sigs were sharing their ideas and experiences. That is the one of the main reasons I created ShareSigmaChi.

I choose “Hard At Work” as the title for this post cause lately I’ve been working hard at a couple of things.

  • working hard at my real job
  • working hard at spending time with my family
  • working really hard at watching football
  • working really hard on a new Sigma Chi website

That’s right a new Sigma Chi website. This new site will kinda serve as a “sister” site to ShareSigmaChi.com. It’s something I have been wanting to do for over a year now and I decided late this summer that I would get started on it. I don’t want to give out much information right now, but I will say that if you have followed ShareSigmaChi for awhile now then you have probably seen tidbits of this new site. Ever since I started ShareSigmaChi I have noticed some trends from you guys and I think this site will be very beneficial to a lot of Sigs. I’m pretty excited and really wish I could say more.

Hopefully in the very near future the new site will be ready for testing and I’ll need some help with that. So if you’re interested in being a “BETA” tester then please let me know. You can leave a comment on this post, email me, or send a message on facebook or twitter.

Feel free to share this post with your friends. Here is a short url that will make that easier: http://bit.ly/2CkdQ9
Thanks everyone for your support.

Jacob Cook
ShareSigmaChi on Twitter