Upcoming Sigma Chi Horizons Podcast with Keith Krach

May 10, 2009

update here is the podcast we recorded with Keith Krach

Over the last few months we have been coming up with ideas that we thought would be very useful for Sigs. One idea that I have been very excited about is revamping our podcast series. So far our podcasts have consisted of me talking about 1-2 Sigma Chi subjects per podcast. While I feel like we have put out some valuable material, I’ve just kept thinking that these podcasts should be so much more. Then I started thinking “why not bring on guests to interview or just to have a general Sigma Chi discussion with?”. We could turn it into more of a “round table discussion” and that is exactly what we are going to do.

Around the end of this month or early June we are going to do a podcast and discuss Horizons. We hope that we can give Sigs a little more insight on not only what Horizons is, but also what you do at Horizons and why is it was started. We plan on having 2-3 Sigs who have been to Horizons before, as well as 2-3 Sigs who plan on going to Horizons this summer. Hopefully this will allow us to find out why Horizons is so successful and it will give the Sigs who will attending to ask any questions they have. We also thought it would be beneficial to have somebody who has played a big part in the success of Horizons and we are very excited to announce that past Grand Consul Keith Krach will also be joining us on the podcast. We would like to send a big “thank you” to Keith, because we know how busy he is and also because we know he will bring a lot of good info to the podcast. So remember to be on the look out this month for some new podcasts.


Jacob Cook


ShareSigmaChi.com – U of Arizona House Campaign

May 3, 2009

Last week I came across a discussion post on LinkedIn in one of the Sigma Chi groups. This was the title “I’ll donate 50% of sales to the Beta Phi new house capital campaign” which made me very interested. After reading further it turns out that this Sig’s wife is selling an ebook that helps people remodel their homes. I thought it was great that his wife was willing to help and donate 50% of her sales to the Sigs at the University of Arizona (Beta Phi Chapter).

So if you or anybody you know is looking for help to remodel their home and you want to help out the Sigs at U of Arizona, then check out the links below.

Scott Martindale




In Hoc,