Proof That Sigma Chi Is Everywhere

November 16, 2010

Here is an email I received the other day. I think it shows just how far Sigma Chi reaches and not just in the United States.

So a funny thing happened 10 minutes ago that I thought you might enjoy hearing about.

I just got off the bus after classes and was walking to my house when I struck up a conversation with two elderly women who were out for a walk. After a moment they asked me if I lived in the area and I pointed to our chapter house, an unassuming brown and white split amongst a row of student housing here. One of the ladies asked what the “EX” in the window stood for, so I told her it was Sigma Chi and that I was a member. Suddenly the other women raised her hand to her heart and started singing “The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi”. Astounded, I joined in and when we were done I asked her how she knew the song, expecting a son or grandson of hers to be a Sig (keep in mind Greek life isn’t huge in Canada and our chapter is only 23 years old) . She remarked that everyone knows that song, and that she even knew the composer, Dudleigh Verson from Albion College. Surprised me just a little bit!

Hope that you’re having a good Monday.

Matthew Colphon

Contact information for Matthew in case you have any questions for him:

Apply To Represent Sigma Chi At The NIC/NPC Congressional Visits

November 11, 2010

I received the following email this morning and thought it should be shared with others.

Interested in politics?
Passionate about your Greek experience?
Concerned about safe and affordable housing for your members?

The North-American Interfraternity Conference and the National Panhellenic Conference have been working on an ongoing effort to make Greek housing safer and more affordable through the Collegiate Housing Infrastructure Act (CHIA). This upcoming spring you may be able to participate in the annual NIC/NPC Congressional Visits. Sigma Chi is sponsoring a select group of members to attend and help gain support for this important piece of legislation. Two Sigma Chi undergraduates will be chosen.

Each year these visits allow Greek students and Alumni to visit Washington, D.C. and lobby on behalf of issues affecting our collegiate members. Past participants have found this to be a great opportunity for networking and enhancing their knowledge of the legislative and political process.

If selected, all students will be asked to participate in prep work leading up to the Congressional Visits which will take place over April 9-13, 2011 (arrival on 4/9 and departure on 4/13).

An application is available at: If you are interested please go online and complete the application and forward a copy to

All applications are due by 5 p.m. on Dec. 10, 2010.
In Hoc Signo Vinces,


Michael H. Dunn
Executive Director
Sigma Chi International Fraternity
1714 Hinman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 869-3655
Fax: (847) 869-4906